Tell Us Your Tale What's your email? * What's your name? * As you'd like it read on the podcast. Want to be kept anonymous? That's fine too. Just type anonymous into the box. Note: ALL confessions will be read as Anonymous! What are your pronouns? Not a requirement, but we want to make sure we're getting all the deets. How do you Identify? Again, not a requirement. Just if you care to share. Where are you located? * Let us know your current city & state. What category does your tale fall into? * It's not that deep, it just keeps us organized. Choose one. Found Family Stories: Stories about finding a chosen family or supportive community. Queer Joy Moments: Stories that highlight moments of pure happiness or pride in being part of the LGBTQ+ community. Overcoming Challenges: Stories about navigating and overcoming adversity as an LGBTQ+ person or ally. Acts of Allyship: Stories about impactful allyship or how someone supported you in your journey Wise Queer Words: Stories from older or younger generations sharing their unique perspectives. Funny/Embarrassing Queer Moments: We all get silly. Lighthearted and humorous stories. Cultural/Religious Experiences: Stories about navigating queerness within specific cultural or religious contexts. Anonymous Confession: Lost love, what you wish you could say to that one coworker. Bare your soul. ALL confessions are told ANONYMOUSLY. Other: None of these fit? Just choose me! Tale Title You can leave this blank if you want. But a great title is always fun! Share your Tale * Please provide as much detail as possible but stay within an approx 2-5 minute read. Anything else? Speak now or forever hold your peace. JK... we're always all ears. Acknowlegement * I understand that by submitting my story, I am granting permission for it to be shared in the podcast or related materials. I retain full rights to my story. I Agree! Yes, girl... DUH! Now let's archive our history! Thank you! First and foremost, thank you SO MUCH for trusting Queer Folk Tales with sharing your story. We are so excited!